Math Vocabulary

Quizlet: 1st Quarter Vocabulary

1st Quarter Vocabulary

1.) Sum – The answer to an addition problem. 

2.) Difference – The answer to a subtraction problem. 

3.) Product – The answer to a multiplication problem. 

4.) Quotient – The answer to a division problem. 

5.) Greatest Common Factors  The greatest factor that divides two numbers. 

6.) Least Common Multiple - The smallest number that is a multiple of two or more numbers. 

7.) Opposites - Numbers that are the same distance from 0 but on opposites sides of 0. 

8.) Integers - The set of whole numbers and their opposites. 

9.) Absolute Value - A number's distance from 0 on the number line (always positive) 

10.) Coordinate Plane - A two-dimensional space formed by two perpendicular number lines called axes. 

11.) Ordered Pair - A pair of numbers (x, y) that describe the location of a point on the coordinate plane. 

12.) Origin - The point (0, 0) where the x-axis and y-axis intersect. 

13.) X-Coordinate - A point's horizontal distance from the origin along the x-axis. 

14.) Y-Coordinate - A point's vertical distance from the origin along the y-axis. 

15.) Reciprocal - The multiplicative inverse of a number; with fractions, the numerator and denominator are switched. 

Quizlet: 2nd Quarter Vocabulary

2nd Quarter Vocabulary

Ratio:  A comparison of two numbers by division. (Example: 3 to 1, 3:1, 3/1) 

Rate:  A ratio that compares two numbers measured in different units. 

Unit rate:  A rate in which the second quantity in the comparison is one unit.  (Example: price per 1 pound or miles per 1 hour) 

Proportion:  An equation that states that two ratios are equivalent. 

Percent:  A ratio comparing a number to 100.

Equivalent ratios:  Ratios that name the same comparison. 

Conversion (convert):  a change from one unit to another unit. (Example: yards to feet or pints to gallons) 

Reflections:  A transformation of a figure that flips the figure across the x-axis or y-axis. 

Quadrant:  The x-axis and the y-axis divide the coordinate plane into four regions. Each region is a quadrant. 

Inequality: a mathematical sentence that shows the relationship between two expressions that are not equal using a sign such as < or >. 

1.) Base: The number that is multiplied by itself when it is raised to a certain power. 

2.) Exponent: The number that indicates how many times the base is used as a factor. 

3.) ExpressionA mathematical phrase that contains operations, numbers, and/or variables. 

4.) Evaluate: To solve; to find the value of a numerical or algebraic expression. 

5.) Equation: Math sentence that shows two equivalent expressions: Algebraic contains variables and numbers. Numerical is numbers only. 

6.) Constant: A value that does not change. 

7.) Inverse Operation: Operations that undo each other; addition and subtraction, or multiplication and division.   

8.) Variable:  A symbol used to represent a quantity that can change; an unknown number.

9.) Coefficient:  The number that is multiplied by the variable in an algebraic expression/equation. 

10.) Term: A known number (constant), a variable, or the product of a known number and a variable. 

11.) Distributive Property: Distributing the common factor creates an equivalent expression. 

12.) Like Terms: Two or more terms in a variable expression that have the same variable factors.

13.) Dependent Variable: A variable whose value depends on the values of one or more independent variables (Output/y-coordinate).

14.) Independent Variable: A variable whose value determines the value of the other variables (Input/x-coordinate).


Quizlet: 4th Quarter Vocabulary


4th Quarter Vocabulary 


Interquartile Range – The difference between the upper and lower quartiles of a set of data. 

Lower Quartile - The middle number between the minimum and the median in an ordered set of data. 

Upper Quartile - The middle number between the median and the maximum in an ordered set of data. 

Statistical Question - Questions with answers involving variability.   

Center – Three measures of center are: mean, median, and mode. They usually fall in the middle of the distribution of data. 

Mean – The sum of the items in a set of data divided by the number of items in the set; also called the average. 

Median – The middle number or the mean (average) of the two middle numbers in an ordered set of data.  

Mode – The number or numbers that occur most frequently in a set of data; when all numbers occur with the same frequency, there is no mode. 

Range – The difference between the greatest and least values in a data set. 

Volume – The number of cubic units needed to fill a given space.  

Surface Area - The sum of the areas of the faces of a 3-dimensional figure. 

Vertices (Vertex) – An angle of a polygon. The point where two lines intersect.