Carol DePaula » Welcome to 8A Math

Welcome to 8A Math

General information:

  • Check grades regularly through Skyward using your assigned username and password. If you need assistance with your Skyward login information, please contact the school office.
  • Students can access their Office 365 account by clicking here. The username and password are the same as the computer login.
  • Students can reset their password by clicking here.


Check out the latest SCM news, events, menus, and more:


Absent Students:

Use Clever to access Schoology assignments. Also, check your school email daily for updates.


What Students Will Use for My Class:  

  • Schoology, Clever, and Office365
  • My webpage (this site)
  • Student's RCS email account
  • Various supplies (click here for list)


Math Tools (Resources): 

Virtual Manipulatives –   


Quick Links (for sites we will use frequently in class) –  


Math Games (Skill-Building Activities): 

Fun puzzle to improve focus and precision – 


Games to improve fluency skills (quick recall of math facts) –  


Probability – 


Multi-Step Equations –


Balancing Equations –  


Combing Like Terms –  


Distributive Property –  


Equation of a Line –  


Order of Operations –  

  • Royal Rescue (just scroll down and select knight or dame)


Solving Equations –