Covid plan- week 3 April 20-24

If you are in need of instructional packets, they will be available for pick up on Monday, 4/20/2020, from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M.
Please check your child's cafeteria account and settle any unpaid balance.  Accounts with a credit balance will automatically roll over to the next school year.  Please direct all questions to Mrs. Faye Ewing at [email protected]
Plans are in progress for pickup of personal items from your child's locker.  When that plan is in place, you will receive information, including a process for returning textbooks, library books, and other items that have been checked out or need to be returned.  
8th graders!!!  Online registration is being conducted NOW!  Please visit the SCMS webpage and fill out the forms no later than this FRIDAY!
And finally...your reading and work for the week can be found by clicking on the file. Thanks to all who have been participating.  You are doing a great job with the online assignment.  Keep working hard!
Most importantly, stay safe, healthy, and practice social distancing so we can all return to our normal lives.  I hope you are enjoying some downtime with your family.  I miss you all!